Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Director of Communications at the State House Mr Salva Rweyemamu speaks to the press flanked by Assistant Press Secretary to the President Ms Premmy Kibanga

a. In an outrageous cable reported by Wikileaks, the former US Ambassador to Tanzania, Michael Retzer is reported to have said in his cable reports that President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete has accepted gifts from the owner of the Kempinski Hotel chain, who is a citizen of the United Emirates.

b. This is, according to Ambassador Retzer, from a conversation he had with the Manager and Publicity Director of the former Dar es Salaam-based Kilimanjaro-Kempinski Hotel, Miss Lisa Pile.

c. This cable is as untruthful as it is outrageous. It is full of lies and innuendoes seeking to tarnish the good image and name of the President. It is unfortunate and highly disappointing that an ambassador worth his name could engage in this kind of lazy gossip.

d. The Directorate of the Presidential Communications would like to deny these lies in the strongest terms possible as follows:

2. We would like to state categorically that there has never been a time when the President received gifts from Ali Albwardy. This is definitely an outrageous claim and if there is evidence to the contrary, we would like to challenge Mr. Albwardy to produce it for the public to satisfy itself that what he is claiming are mere lies.

3. That there has never been a time, ever, when His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, during his time as Foreign Minister or currently as President of the United Republic of Tanzania, was flown by anybody to London on a subsidized shopping expedition to buy five suits. All his travels to London or any other places in the world have been duty assignments paid for by the Government of Tanzania. The matter of him being flown to London for subsides shopping of five suites is outrageous.

4. That during his entire life, as Foreign Minister or as President, the President has never met in London nor travelled with Ali Albwardy to London on a shopping expedition.

5. That the President was not responsible for raising nor receiving campaign funds for CCM Party during the 2005 General Elections. He was simply the flag bearer of the Party. However, he is privy to information that Kempinski Kilimanjaro Hotel was never asked nor contributed a single cent towards CCM campaign. Therefore the allegations that Kempinski Kilimanjaro Hotel contributed one million (USD 1,000,000) toward CCM campaign are baseless and unfounded.

6. That the Government permission for possessing of the Kilimanjaro Hotel by Kempinski Hotels and the subsequent permission to Kempinski to build two new hotels - one on the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater and another on the Serengeti plains overlooking the main animal migration routes were issued by the Third Phase Tanzania Government and not by Mr. Kikwete’s Administration.

7. However, President Kikwete declined to grant Kempinski Hotels permission to build on the Ngorongoro Crater on the strength of environmental concerns. How come then that the President who has been offered so many favors such as suits and election money, took this principled position? This therefore testifies to the fact that, claims that the President has received favours are with malice intentions from his authors.

8. That it is a lie that Mr Kikwete has frequented Kilimanjaro Kempinski Hotel in his personal capacity. The records are very clear; the President has never, ever on his own visited that Hotel except on official duties or when he has escorted official state guests.
9. It is unfortunate that the distinguished Ambassador would believed and transmit such baseless lies and ear-says from a single source. The Office of the President takes strong exception to such behaviour which seeks to tarnish the name and person of the President.

Imetolewa na:
Kurugenzi ya Mawasiliano ya Rais,
Dar es Salaam.

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